The hike along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu was one of the most meaningful and special experiences of my lifetime.
Athletically, it was one of the hardest challenges I've ever encountered (right up there with running the NYC marathon!). Culturally, it was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life -- you find yourself in awe with full awareness that all this was built by an ancient empire that left behind incredible artifacts and ruins. A trip like this really helps you fully embrace every moment of your surroundings.
Having reached the ruins of Machu Picchu itself hiking 6-10 miles per day for several days was incredibly rewarding. especially with the community of hikers supporting you along the way. Machu Picchu is a wonder of the world for a reason!
Outside of Machu Picchu, we really loved our time in both Lima and Cusco. Just incredible cities and the locals were so kind and loved sharing their culture and language with us!